Our 1st graders are getting ready to read for us this week in Mass.
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Today our 4th graders had a virtual field trip with Rocky Mountain National Park- Every Rock Has a Story. What a great idea!
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-4th grade
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-4th grade
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-4th grade
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-4th grade
Today our 4th graders had a virtual field trip with Rocky Mountain National Park- Every Rock Has a Story. What a great idea!
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-4th grade
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-4th grade
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-4th grade
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-4th grade
Today our 8th graders had their retreat. Our 8th graders look forward to being together and learning about their faith.
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-8th grade
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-8th grade
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-8th grade
Confession available tomorrow morning. Friday March 7th 7am-7:55
12 months ago, Father Jason Keas
Meet Theo, our cutest little Cardinal! He is absolutely perfect!
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- new Cardinal
This morning we recognized our middle schoolers for their academic achievements. These students have worked hard in the classroom.
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- academic awards
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- academic awards
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- academic awards
This morning we recognized our middle schoolers for their academic achievements. These students have worked hard in the classroom.
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- academic awards
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- academic awards
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- academic awards
Our virtue of the month is honesty. These students were recognized for their honesty with their peers and teachers.
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- virtues
Day 2 of our 8th graders mock trial! Their embodiment of reenacting the Ludlow Massacre trial is an amazing display of classical education here at DR.
12 months ago, Shannon Taylor
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Our 8th graders participate in a mock trial each year for social studies. They recreate the trial of the Ludlow Massacre. It is really fun to watch how each team presents their case. They will culminate their trial tomorrow at 2 p.m. m
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- mock trial
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- mock trial
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- mock trial
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- mock trial
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- mock trial
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- mock trial
We are so excited about our Extreme Lenten Project! We are helping out Columbia Elementary School. They have many students that sleep in tents, shelters, and cars. We are collecting new pillows and blankets, clothes ( size 4T-12), travel sized hygiene products, snacks, hats, scarves, and gloves. If you want to order on Amazon and have it shipped to the school, please send to: Tricia Faber 901 N. Logan Ave. C/S, CO. 80909 Go Cardinals!
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Extreme Lenten Project
Extreme Lenten Project
Extreme Lenten Project
Just another day in middle school at Divine Redeemer Catholic School.
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- middle school
When it is Friday and your Mom let you dress yourself......
12 months ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- PK
Confession is available tomorrow morning, Friday March 1st 7am-7:55
about 1 year ago, Father Jason Keas
It was a lot of fun and really crazy in our gym tonight! Way to go Cardinals!
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Our smart 4th graders are studying weathering and erosion in science. They conducted experiments with Skittles. It looks like they learned and they had fun.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
Divine Redeemer Catholic School
If you see Jacob, tell him congratulations on his state championship! We love our athletes.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- athletes
Happy Birthday to these two amazing young ladies! Our Principal and Vice Principal for the day were so happy to wish them a happy day!
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- birthdays
We have a new Principal and Vice- Principal! Today we have some new faces running the school.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School-Principal for the day