We love our prayer warriors!!! Thank you Lincoln for sharing your prayer.
Deklan not only loves baseball, he also loves Jesus. He keeps his Rosary in his ball glove ❤️⚾️.
Today we will have our last Friday Rosary at 2:30.
Our 8th graders celebrated their Baccalaureate Mass tonight. We will
miss these wonderful students.
Look at this cute birthday girl!!!!
Today our 8th grade graduating class of 2020 passed along their lights of Leadership to our 7th graders. This is a time held tradition for our school.
Our middle school Battle of the Books rocked it AND had fun!!!
What a treat!!! We love our community!
This sweet girl has a birthday today!!!
There were a lot of houses being built today by our middle schoolers.
Mark your calendars for our annual golf tournament on June 18th!
Contact Tricia Faber to register or to sponsor! tfaber@divineredeemer.net
We sure have some awesome artwork around the school! If have not already, take moment to look around!
Thank you to our amazing PTCO and our families for a great start to our Teacher Appreciation Week!!
This is what Monday looks like today! Bring your teacher flowers (for teacher appreciation week) and your work on the muscular system.
Happy Monday!!
If you missed our amazing students last night at their showing of Moana Jr., you can still see it tonight! They will begin at 7 p.m.
Our 5th graders were at Starbase on Peterson Air Force Base again today. They toured the air museum today.
Our annual Arts night is tonight! We will begin at 6 p.m. This is an awesome event and this year our classes will recite prayers and poems in Latin and English.
See you tonight Cardinals!
Our theatre group is presenting Moana Jr. this Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.
We hope you can join us!!
Our 8th graders compete in history day each year. Jackson, Cole S., and Garrett made it to the state level. Below is Jackson’s synapses of their project.
We made a project on the space race and we were showing how the debate between the Soviet Union and the United States that ended in peace was a debate of superiority between the two nation states. We competed in regionals and took first and then competed in state.
Sometimes class doesn’t go as planned…..
Today our 6th graders are working on writing papers and how to properly use a bibliography page and format their paper.