We are blessed with many first class relics, including today's feast day, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton! Did you know the Sisters of Charity, the order she founded, were the first employees of Divine Redeemer? St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us!
about 1 year ago, Shannon Taylor
Divine Redeemer Catholic School venerates relic of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Divine Redeemer Catholic School venerates relic of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Divine Redeemer Catholic School venerates relic of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Divine Redeemer Catholic School venerates relic of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Thank you to Pikes Peak Cornhole Club for all of the food that you donated to our food pantry. #pikespeakcornhole
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Divine Redeemer Catholic School- food pantry
Our 3rd graders made angels in art class and sent them to Bishop Golka for Christmas. They made a display of them for everyone to see.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
3rd grade angels
Our teachers are getting ready to welcome back our students tomorrow. We are excited to see them all.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Merry Christmas! We pray that everyone is having a wonderful Christmas.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Skate City fundraiser was a blast! Thank you to all who came out. Can't wait for the next one 🛼
about 1 year ago, Kim Elsmore
Skate City 2023
Skate City 2023
Skate City 2023
Skate City 2023
Skate City 2023
Skate City 2023
There was a request for a 3-point line on our playground. So Deklan and his Dad came today to help Mrs. Faber get that done! ✅ Thank you Mr. Knight for helping get the supplies ready.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
3 point
3 point
Skate City fundraiser on Academy tomorrow from 6-8pm!
about 1 year ago, Kim Elsmore
Skate City fundraiser
What other school is cooler than ours? Thank you to our amazing volunteers!
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Why wouldn't you wear your elf suit and your sleep mask on pj day?
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
pj day
pj day
DR Catholic School will be closed today! Extended care is closed, and all school-related activities are canceled. Please take extra care on the roads. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, Kim Elsmore
Snow Day
DR will have a 2-hour delayed start for tomorrow, Thursday, December 14. Doors to the school will open at 9:15 AM. K-8 students may go to the gym from 9:15 to 9:35 when the first bell will ring. Preschool and Pre-K drop off at 9:35 AM. Extended care will open at 8:30 AM. Be safe and remember, tomorrow is Mass uniform.
about 1 year ago, Kim Elsmore
2-hour delay
This morning our National Junior Honor Society collected items for the food pantry. All students were able to wear free dress today if they donated items. T
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Our middle schoolers were busy in STEM and theatre today. You can certainly tell the weather is changing!
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
zero hour
zero hour
zero hour
zero hour
zero hour
zero hour
zero hour
zero hour
zero hour
zero hour
Our 8th graders created these in art. They turned out really cool!
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
Today was NJHS' ugly sweater day. What a fun day!
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
ugly sweaters
This week our National Junior Honor Society is sponsoring theme dress. Today was green and red day, it was a lot of fun. Tomorrow is ugly Christmas sweater day. We cannot wait to see what our students wear.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
green and red day
green and red
green and red
These middle school students helped wrap Christmas presents today after school. The items are from our giving tree. Thank you to everyone who donated.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
This morning our school was blessed to receive artwork from Kathy Hayes Boyle (DR grad '69) for our hallways. It is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you to all of our alumni that continue to support our school. Thank you to the Plush Family for helping with this presentation.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber
art work
We love celebrating our students! Today we honored our students that show stewardship. We have all been created to care and stewardship is the care of all creation. Congrats to all of our students.
about 1 year ago, Trish Faber